Design and Construction

The design of a pedestrian bridge usually involves close cooperation between architects and civil engineers. Such a task awaits you in this interdisciplinary seminar:
At "Design and Construction”, a design task will be developed in collaboration with students of the faculty of Civil Engineering. The designs tasks will be developed in mixed groups. The aim of this course is to train students from both disciplines on an interdisciplinary spectrum. This will not only provide an understanding of structural analysis and structural design, but also train interdisciplinary communication skills. The course can be credited as the master's compulsory module „Building & structure (Tragwerksplanung und Struktur)“ and is thereby an alternative to the compulsory lecture.
1st meeting: 24.10.23; 2:00 pm
Rule date: Tuesday 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Delivery/Examination: after announcement!
Number of participants: 15
Examples WS23/24
Pedestrian bridge; Saverio Haaß, Lucyna Preusse, Jonas Ernst, Meta Dienhold
Pedestrian bridge; Sebastian Becker, Abdulhamid Zahir, Johanna Brünger